Will I qualify for Flexipay™?
All you need is a fixed income, bank account and two or more accounts to restructure.
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How does it work?
You want to pay one reduced installment on all your debt, but don’t want to go under Debt Review or be listed on the Credit Bureau?
If this is the case then Flexipay is for you!
You can enter or leave the voluntary process at any time you want.
Peace of mind under the watchfull eye of the LPC
Flexipay is a voluntary debt relief alternative to help you cope with debt repayment.
The process is fully transparent and is supervised by legal professionals. Your new reduced installment is paid into the attorney’s trust account for monthly distribution to your creditors
The Flexipay Attorney facilitates the full process and pays your creditors on a monthly basis.
How to apply for Flexipay™?
Step One
•Provide Flexipay with your personal information and permission to obtain your free credit report.
•Flexipay will supply you with a quotation and new reduced payment installment.
Step Two
•Accept and pay the new monthly installment via Debicheck
•You will receive monthly statements to keep you updated.
Your Welcome Pack!
Your welcome pack will include all your Flexipay Aftercare and Support Centre information.